Pyrite Sphere

Pyrite Sphere


Vitality, Creativity, Confidence, Abundance

Chakra: Solar Plexus

Nicknamed “fool’s gold” because of its shiny yellow metallic appearance.

An Earth element, but its name derived from the Greek word for fire, as striking two pieces together can create sparks.

This stones energy helps to drive a firery passion through your solar plexus that will strengthen your willpower and give a burst of energy.

A beautiful crystal to keep at your workspace. Whenever I have to do some writing, my self-doubt tends to creep up and I fine myself procrastinating. Pyrite brings courage up through me so I can keep me on track and finish my task.

Pyrite = abundance, whether it be courage, action or confidence. If you are manifesting $$ then pop one close to wherever you keep money.

Approximate size: 35mm

Sold individually and personally intuitively selected. Dimensions of crystal is approximate and each crystal may have variations in colour and tone.

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